Luis Carlos Donado
T +(507) 322-2121

Trust Law
Banking Law
Corporate Law
Risk Management
Legal Compliance
Specialist in Risk Management and Regulatory Compliance. For over a decade, he has implemented internal control standards, as well as managed punitive processes and standardized procedures in both financial and non-financial sector companies.
Currently, he is responsible for regulatory compliance advisory services and managing the prevention system of Ipal Trust and Infante & Pérez Almillano.
EALDE Business School (Master's in Risk Management, 2022).
Specialized University of Certified Public Accountants UNESCPA (Diploma in Compliance Management – 2019).
Florida Anti-Money Laundering Certified Associate (AMLCA) Certification issued by the Florida International Bankers Association (FIBA) - 2018.
Santa María La Antigua University, Continuing Education Directorate (Specialization in Money Laundering, Diploma, 2016).
University of Panama, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Panama (Bachelor of Law, 2009).
Panama Compliance Officers Association (ASOCUPA).
World Compliance Association (WCA) Panama Chapter.
Association of Certified Financial Crime Specialists (ACFCS).